Wednesday 30 July 2008

Laura Philips

Laura graduated this July from Nottingham Trent University (NTU) with a First Class Honours Degree in Theatre Design. 

Recently one of Laura's designs won a performance on the Cottesloe stage at the National Theatre, London.  The work was entered as part of the New Connections 2008 Competition and the design was for a new piece of writing by Nicolas Wright. It was performed by by the Nottingham Television Workshop. In addition Laura recently designed set and costume for a new piece of writing entitled My Friend for Rama Young Actors. The piece was staged at Nottingham's Lace Market Theatre. 
Last summer Laura did an internship in Brooklyn, New York, with theatre company Drama of Works. She assisted and directed alongside Grechen Van Lente for a piece entitled Curiouser and Curiouser, as part of the Alice in Wonderland Puppet Festival. Whilst in the USA Laura also assisted director and designer Peter Barbieri Jr.'s for Guys and Dolls and The Elephant Man

Whilst at university Laura puppetered in two NTU collaborative productions (The Icarus Project and Dead Moon). Laura also carried out a placement with props master Fiona Viccars.

In 2005 and 2006 Laura spent her summers working as a Camp Counselor in Conneticut, USA. During these periods as welling responsible for the 24-7 wellbeing of 30plus teenage girls, she also taught Israel orphans the sport of Cricket and designed and co-directed the camp's drama productions. Last summer Laura attended the Prague Quadrennial and following spent several weeks travelling through Europe. This summer (on Idomeneo's opening night) she leaves for a trip to Israel where she hopes to discover her roots...  

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